B4BC Code Of Practice

1. Introduction to Best 4 Business Communications Ltd.
Best 4 Business Communication Ltd (B4BC) offers voice, data and mobile services to businesses throughout the UK. It sells directly to end-users through its Sales Department and to selected agents. This Code of Practice aims to give you, the consumer, a clear statement of how we conduct our business and to describe the relationship between you and us in all matters concerning your purchase of products and services from us. This Code of Practice can be accessed through our website, or by contacting us through email or telephone via our General Enquiries details below.
2. How to Contact Us
2.1 General Enquiries & Sales
Telephone – 03333 66 33 33
Fax – 03333 66 3334
Email – support@b4bc.co.uk
Website – b4bc.co.uk
Customer Service
For customer service enquiries, please call our Customer Service line on 03333 66 33 33 which is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (exc. holidays).
Email – support@b4bc.co.uk
Faults and Repairs
Telephone – 03333 66 33 33
If you would prefer to write to us instead, please address your letter to:
Sheldon Chambers
2235 – 2243 Coventry Road
B26 3NW
2.2 Other Organisations
Office of the Telecommunications Ombudsman
PO Box 730
Lo-call rate phone number: 0330 440 1614
Fax: 0330 440 1615
Website: www.ombudsman-services.org
The Ombudsman resolves disputes between member operators and their residential and small business customers
Office of Communications (Ofcom) Contact Centre
Riverside House
2a Southwark Bridge Road
Phone: 0845 456 3000
Fax: 0845 456 3333
Email: contact@ofcom.org.uk
Website: www.ofcom.org.uk
Ofcom is the main regulator for the UK communications industry.
3. Our Commitment
B4BC is committed to providing you with the highest quality of service. Our company delivers to you telecommunications services provided by BT Wholesale and other major carriers. We make every reasonable effort to supply the services that satisfy your requirements.
4. Our Products
B4BC provides a range of business communications services including BT Wholesale services, digital lines (ISDN) and carrier pre-selection. These are:
- PSTN calls
- PSTN lines – single and multilines
- ISDN 2e lines
- ISDN 2e calls
- ISDN 30e lines
- ISDN 30e calls
- Highway
- Carrier Pre-Selection
Further details about our products can be found on our website: b4bc.co.uk
5. Our Customer Service
Customer satisfaction is the most important part of our business. We describe here in greater detail our approach to our customers and the kind of customer services that we offer. If you have any questions or need any further information, you are welcome to contact our Customer Service Department.
Our website answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) and will also answer most of your questions about our products and services.
5.1 Transferring to B4BC or Ordering a new service
To order any of our services please call customer services on 03333 66 33 33 or email us at sales@b4bc.co.uk
We normally do business on our standard terms and conditions, a copy of which is available on request from our customer services team or via our website: b4bc.co.uk
The minimum term for telephone service is 12 months. We will endeavour to provide telephone service within 28 days of your original request; this is subject to the availability of lines at your premises. If there are special circumstances such as the need to install additional cabling we will advise you of the revised timescales.
5.2 Cancellation of Service
You are usually able to terminate any of our services by giving one (1) month’s notice. Please note, however, that our services are subject to a minimum contract period as specified in your contract, usually 12 months calculated from the date when your service commenced.
5.3 Faults and Repairs
Should you experience a fault on your line please call our fault repair service on 03333 66 33 33. We align our response times and services with BT and offer higher levels of customer fault care should you require them. If you would like to know more about these please contact customer services on 03333 66 33 33 or visit our website: b4bc.co.uk
5.4 Price Tariffs
Our up-to-date standard price tariffs are available from one of our account managers or visit our website: b4bc.co.uk
5.5 Billing and Payment
We normally bill our customers at the beginning of each month. Our only payment option is by Direct Debit, which represents one simple monthly transaction. Protected by the safeguards of the Banks, you have complete peace of mind regarding the accuracy of your payment. If an error is made you will receive a full and immediate refund to your account.
We provide itemised bills in an electronic format; this can also be provided on paper at additional cost. Please contact the customer service team for more information.
5.6 Disconnection Policy
Should you have difficulty paying your bill please contact us so that we can arrange a suitable alternative method of payment.
Please do not cancel your direct debit, as this will need to be in place for future payment collections. Where a direct debit is unpaid due to insufficient funds or cancellation of the direct debit instruction, a £10 administration charge will be included on your next monthly bill.
We will not disconnect you from our service unless payment is defaulted on, or a direct debit is not in place to allow us to collect future payments. Prior to doing so we will contact you advising of the outstanding balance or the need for you to re-establish the direct debit instruction, allowing 7 days for this to be done.
After this period we may restrict your telephone service by way of call barring to prevent an increase in the debt.
Further reasons for which we may disconnect your service are given in Section 6 of our Contract Terms and Conditions, a copy of which is available from our customer services team or via our website b4bc.co.uk
5.7 Complaints
If, as a customer, you are unhappy with our service, please let us know so that we can put things right as quickly and smoothly as possible. With this in mind, we have developed a Complaints Procedure, which explains who you should contact and what do if you have a complaint about the B4BC services. The Complaints Procedure is described here.
How to contact us
If you would like to report a fault or make a complaint about our service, please call our Customer Care line on 03333 66 33 33 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
If you would prefer to write to us instead, please address your letter to:
Head of Customer Service
Best 4 Business Communications Ltd
Sheldon Chambers
2235 – 2243 Coventry Road
B26 3NW
If you should wish to cancel a line or service, you should do so only in writing to the above address giving at least 30 days’ notice. Where the service is subject to a fixed term contract, early cancellation charges will apply.
How we deal with your complaint
When you contact us, we will normally ask you to give us the following information in order to deal with your complaint as efficiently as possible:
- Company name and account number
- Name, contact phone number and postal address
- Nature of the complaint
When we have registered your complaint we will give you a call to acknowledge receipt or write to you.
We will make every effort to resolve your complaint when you first contact us. However this is not always possible and we may have to investigate your complaint further.
Whatever your complaint, we will give you our initial response to it no longer than 5 working days from when you notified us. If you are not happy about the way in which your complaint has been handled, you can send a letter to our Managing Director, who will look at it directly, at the address above.
If your complaint is not resolved within twelve weeks or we have sent you written confirmation that the dispute has reached a deadlock situation, you may refer the complaint to Otelo who operate an Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme on behalf of us as an Otelo member. Please refer to the contact section above for details. Otelo is an independent Ofcom-approved ADR scheme.
6. Customer Rights and Obligations
6.1 Number Portability
We may be able to port your number to and from other operators subject to technical availability. We may charge you for porting a number
6.2 Moving Home or Office
If you are moving home or office please call our customer services team on 03333 66 33 33 at lease 28 days before you move so that we can make the appropriate arrangements. If there are special circumstances regarding the move we will advise you of the revised timescales. It is important to let us know when you are moving to ensure that you are not charged for calls made from your old address once you have moved. You will remain responsible for any calls made until the point of notification. A final bill will be sent to your new address once you have moved.
6.3 Data Protection
B4BC and its affiliated companies may use your personal information together with other information for providing telecommunications services, marketing, administration, and training. We may disclose your information to our affiliated companies, service providers and agents for these purposes. We may also keep your information for a reasonable period of time for marketing purposes in order to contact you about our services, but you can choose not to receive such marketing material at any time by notifying our Data Protection Officer in writing (see contact details below). Occasionally the marketing material concerns the provision of services by third parties. B4BC also performs some processing of personal data required for commercial purposes (for instance, creditworthiness checks).
If you want to write to our Data Protection Officer, please use the following address:
Data Protection Officer
Best 4 Business Communications Ltd
Sheldon Chambers
2235 – 2243 Coventry Road
B26 3NW
6.4 Compensation
Neither of us will have to compensate the other for any detrimental event beyond the other’s reasonable control. In this Code of Practice, ‘beyond reasonable control’ includes any act of God, reduction or failure of power supply, other telecommunication operators and suppliers or their equipment including access lines, act or omission of national or local government authority, war, military operation, riot or delay, employee dispute, or supply of equipment by third parties.
Our policy is to assess each claim on a case by case basis. We aim to investigate any claims and respond within 5 working days. Any refunds that are due will be credited to the next month’s invoice. We do not accept any claim for consequential loss/loss of business/fraud or any other form of loss.
6.5 Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions describe the general legal and contractual obligations between our customers and us. The Terms and Conditions for all our services can be found on this website or by contacting your account manager.
6.6 Services for Older or Disabled Customers
B4BC provides access free of charge to BT’s ‘195 Directory Service for Blind or Disabled Customers’. Calls are connected onwards as required. BT’s Text Direct Service is also available to all customers with speech and hearing difficulties and once again is free of charge. This service has short access codes to the Emergency Services, Operator Assistance and provides call progress announcements.
Details of these services can be found on the BT ‘Age and Disability’ website.
B4BC will assess all requests for information and make special arrangements on a case-by-case basis. Please contact our Customer Service Department for assistance and further information (please see contact details above under Section 2).
6.7 Call Barring
If you want to have a particular number barred so that it cannot be dialed from your phone, please contact our Customer Service Department (please see contact details above under Section 2).
6.8 Calling-Line and Called-Line Identity
Your phone number is by default not displayed to the person whom you are calling. However, you can alter this by requesting that your phone number should be displayed to the person whom you are calling on a call-by-call basis or for all calls.
You can request that the phone number of the person who is calling you should not be displayed on your phone. You can also request that your phone number should not be displayed on the phone of the person who is calling you.
We do not charge for withholding a phone number in any of the above ways.
However, even if you request withholding of a phone number, we are legally obliged to pass it on in certain circumstances e.g. to the emergency services in case of an emergency.
To request any of the above facilities, please contact our Customer Service Department (please see contact details above under Section 2).
7. Communication with Customers
7.1 Premium Rate Services
The Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services (ICSTIS) regulates all Premium Rate Services (PRS).
All calls to Premium Rate Service numbers are charged at a higher rate than normal local, regional and national calls. If your complaint involves a dispute over charges for these calls, please contact our Customer Service Department (please see contact details above under Section 2).
If we believe the call charges to be correct it may still be possible to further investigate the Service Provider responsible for the PRS service involved via ICSTIS. Request for compensation for calls made to recorded information PRS numbers can be made to ICSTIS:
The Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services (ICSTIS)
4th Floor
Clove Building
4 Maguire Street
London SE1 2NQ
Phone: 020 7940 7474
Fax: 020 7940 7456