B4BC gain access to all Sheffield LEA Schools through Yorkshire and Humber Grid for Learning
Sheffield LEA Schools
All schools within the Sheffield area can now have their telephone systems covered for maintenance and support by Best 4 Business Communications Ltd over the schools broadband network.
B4BC have been approved as a supplier to access the schools computer network. The virtual private network (VPN) enables B4BC engineers to immediately access the schools telephone system to make free and unlimited programming changes, maintenance support and fault diagnostics
Currently we are looking to increase the amount of schools that subscribe to our services allowing us to work with the administration, management and IT staff to improve communication levels, not just internally but with suppliers and parents alike, this improving Office of Standards in Education (OFSTED) ratings and reports
The Yorkshire & Humber Grid for Learning (YHGfL) is funded by a consortium of 12 local authorities in the region representing 275 secondary schools, 86 special schools, 30 nurseries and 1,657 primary schools and their partners in learning.